Notice of Adoption

Published on September 27, 2024


The Genesee County Legislature adopted a LOCAL LAW 3 OF THE YEAR 2024 – AMENDING LOCAL LAW 4 OF THE YEAR 2016 IN RELATION TO THE GENESEE COUNTY MUTUAL SELF INSURANCE PLAN to include an addition to Section 4. Participation. Naming public libraries within the Mutual Self Insurance Plan.  Section 4. Participation amended to read: In addition to the County, participation in the Plan shall be available to the following municipal entities located within or partially within the County of Genesee: Cities, Towns, Villages, Soil Conservation Districts, School Districts, Genesee Community College, Batavia Housing Authority, Volunteer Fire Departments, Public Libraries established as separate taxing entities.

EFFECTIVE DATE. The Local Law shall take effect immediately following proper filing to the Secretary of State.  Certified filing date was September 18, 2024. Certified copies also provided to the Genesee County Clerk within five days after the date was duly enacted. A copy of Local Law 3 of the year 2024 will be made available in the Legislative Clerk’s office, 7 Main St. Batavia, NY during business hours Monday-Friday.

Lisa Casey, Legislative Clerk Date: 9/26/24



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