Youth Court

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Youth Serving Youth

Youth Court is a voluntary alternative for young people who face disciplinary action through school or law enforcement.  Youth who admit to the charge appear for a disposition hearing before a court of his/her peers.  Three teen judges listen to both sides of the issue and recommend a disposition based upon what is heard in the courtroom.  The goal of the youth court is to improve youth citizenship skills and decrease problematic behavior.

Young people (respondents) who chose to go before a court of their peers are referred by either school or law enforcement.  Respondents are provided with an opportunity to learn from their mistakes through positive peer pressure and early intervention.  Parents and guardians are involved in the entire process.  Sentencing for respondents is designed for the individual youth.  There is no permanent record of the incident in the youth’s file or record.  All proceedings are confidential.

Youth Court Members learn about group decision making, the judicial process, and public speaking.  Youth Court teaches young people how to be leaders and exposes them to career options in public service.  

The Genesee County Youth Court is a tribunal court with youth learning and participating in the following roles

  • Judges-a panel of three teen judges presides over the disposition hearing, taking into consideration all the facts and evidence presented in court in order to recommend a fair and constructive sentence.
  • Prosecution-represents the interest of the school and community and makes a disposition recommendation to the panel of three judges.
  • Defense-advocates for the respondent and makes a disposition recommendation to judges.
  • Bailiff-maintains accurate records of the court proceedings, administers oath, and ensures smooth operation of the court.

Training for new Youth Court members takes place once a year beginning in November and runs for five weeks. Potential members must be between the grades of 8-12, must pass a bar exam and be sworn in to be an Official member of Youth Court. If you would like more information about Youth Court, please contact Erika Geer, Program Coordinator.

Youth Court Application(PDF, 96KB)