The Soil and Water Conservation District hydroseeder that applies a custom blend of water, grass seed, fertilizer and wood mulch to areas requiring vegetation. This equipment is used for seeding recent construction projects completed through the District as well as assisting municipalities with seeding and reseeding.
Critical Area Seeding
Critical area seeding allows the district opportunities to provide stability to stream banks, road banks, ditching, and new construction areas to prevent water from getting contaminated by nutrients and chemicals.
Drainage and Soil Erosion
The District provides technical assistance to help with drainage and soil erosion concerns. A site visit , maps, surveying, drain tile layout and a site recommendation will be completed.
Planning, Surveying, and Design
The District offers planning, surveying, and design services for all Conservation Practices and Best Management Practices that may be implemented in the community. These services are available in association with grant-funded projects as well as private construction projects. Fees for these services vary depending upon the practices that are being installed.
Permit Assistance
Staff will assist public and private landowners in obtaining permits from DEC and Army Corp of Engineers. Please call the office for information at 585-343-2362 ext5.
North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaboration
The district works with County partners to assess and score crossings for fish /wildlife passages and culvert conditions.
Water Quality Monitoring Program
The goal of the monitoring program is to collect and compile data to assist in the development of effective plans to maintain, manage, and restore the watersheds throughout Genesee County. This data will serve as a database to make informed water quality management decisions, including watershed management planning, and to identify any changes or trends in discharge and nutrient data. The data will also be utilized to measure the success of future best management efforts and to suggest a priority listing of water quality goals.