Snow Plowing Policies

Snow Plowing and Mailboxes

During and after snow events, highway agencies receive phone calls regarding mailbox damage during plowing, either from snow plows directly or from the force of snow thrown by plows.  If such damage is indeed caused by snow removal, it is not done intentionally.  It is, however, an unfortunate consequence of snow removal. 

Regarding the particular agencies replacing damaged mailboxes, it must be pointed out that no statutory or legal authority requires them to do so.  In fact, under Section 319 of the New York State Highway Law, mailboxes are considered highway obstructions. They are only “allowed” in the right-of-way as a convenience to the owner as it is understood they are required for mail delivery.  Additionally, an opinion issued by the Attorney General on February 28, 1966, stated, “When the necessity of keeping the highway open conflicts with an individual’s reception of the mail, the latter must stand aside.”  Highway crews do their best to avoid mailboxes, but visibility, oncoming traffic, and heavy snow often work against them. 

The best way to protect your mailbox during the winter months is to ensure it is properly attached to the post and keep the mailbox assembly simple to limit the impact surface area for plowed snow. It is Genesee County Public Works Department policy that we will NOT repair/replace Mailboxes/Mailbox Posts that have been damaged due to snow removal practices.

Resident’s Plowing Private Driveways/Parking Areas

Over the last few years, plowing or depositing snow from private driveways or private property onto the highway has increased significantly, especially after roadways are cleared, and snow has been pushed back behind the shoulders by highway agencies.  

This is a dangerous practice and is strictly prohibited under Section 1219 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and Section 214 of the New York State Highway Law. Depositing snow or ice onto the roadway or shoulder may result in a serious accident. The person or persons responsible may be liable to a fine of $1000.00 per day per occurrence for each day the occurrence remains uncorrected.  Police agencies and Highway agencies will issue written warnings before issuing tickets.

Hazardous Driving Conditions

“Slick Roads Cause Accidents” is often a frequent newspaper headline in winter.  The truth is that slick roads may contribute to an accident but are not the sole cause.  Accidents are generally caused by drivers who fail to drive appropriately for winter conditions.  

Sections 1180(a) and 1180(e) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law state that “No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing.”  Accepted safe winter driving practices include, but are not limited to, slower driving, increased braking distance, and increased vehicle separation.  Following these guidelines will significantly reduce your chances of being involved in an accident on slick roads.

Winter-Time Driving Conditions

Highway agencies spend considerable tax money to ensure the roads are cleared efficiently after snow and ice events.  Snow removal efforts do not guarantee bare or dry roads.  The cost to provide these conditions would far outstrip what most taxpayers would be willing to pay.  

Even when bare roads can be obtained, weather conditions such as wind and rapidly dropping temperatures can alter highway conditions dramatically from one area to the next.  The best course of action for anyone traveling during the winter months is to adjust your driving to meet the conditions present.

 Whys-of-snow-plows.pdf(PDF, 192KB)