Reaching Out Directory
Genesee County offers a wide variety of programs and services. With the input of advisory councils, senior groups, organizations, and individuals; services are being provided to meet a diversity of needs. These services are in keeping with our agency’s mission statement below:
It is the goal of the Genesee County Office for the Aging to provide information, support and advocacy to our residents 60 years of age or older, their caregivers, and persons with disabilities of all ages. Our aim is to promote their independence and improve their quality of life. This Reaching Out Directory describes a listing of available services provided through the Office for the Aging as well as many other agencies in the community.
This directory includes information on senior housing, financial benefits, caregiver support services, volunteer opportunities for those aged 55 years and above, various health, nutrition, recreation, benefits, transportation, legal, and other services beneficial to promoting good quality of life. We strive hard to make Genesee County an even more Livable Community in which to work, play, grow up, grow old, and live in. NY Connects is your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability.
NY Connects offers more detailed information on in-home, community, and residential long term care services. This includes a wide range of long care options including personal care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, nutrition, and social services which can help support those who are frail, disabled and/or chronically ill. We trust that you will find this directory helpful and encourage you to call our office at 585-343-1611 or visit our website if you would like additional information or assistance. We are here to serve you.
Diana Fox, Director