The Work Experience Program is a short-term, structured employment experience that takes place at public, private, or nonprofit businesses. A typical work experience lasts between 100 to 200 hours. Participants can work in a variety of situations, however all labor laws and restrictions that govern employment are in place during this program. Each participant is assigned an Employment & Training Counselor who will visit the work site as needed and work with you as your program liaison. They will check with you to see if the employee is doing what is expected of them.
The purpose of a Work Experience is to enable individuals with a limited work history or industry experience the opportunity to gain and practice meaningful work skills that will lead to employment.
Genesee County Job Development Bureau agrees to pay the wage and worker’s compensation for an individual in the program. The business/worksite host agrees to provide a temporary job opportunity and supervision. The supervision includes communicating clear job expectations to the employee and providing performance feedback to the employee and the assigned counselor.