Indentured Servants Record

Indentured Servants

Indentured Servants Record Series

Sample of Records:

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1827 - 1899

Geographic Location:

Bethany - County Home / Almshouse


Printed forms with handwritten data




County Clerk

Use Restrictions:

Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies created. Documents are in fragile condition.

Historical Background:

The Genesee County Home / Almshouse was established in 1826 by the Board of Supervisors at the direction of the State of New York. Before this, the care of indigents, the insane, orphans, and abandoned children was the responsibility of the individual towns within the county. In the 19th century, children were indentured as laborers until they had served a specified number of years or reached an age of freedom: 21 years for males and 18 years for females. The Genesee County Home / Almshouse practiced indentureship for almost a century, utilizing children for farm labor and housekeeping. Some families expanded their families through indentureship, as infants were taken into their care.

Children were admitted to the County Home / Almshouse by being born there, brought by relatives, or with their mothers. The Overseers of the Poor acted as guardians, and the children were indentured or contracted for work services to area families. In 1831, it was required that children between the ages of 5 and 16 receive education similar to that provided in public schools. An investigation into the condition of children in almshouses within New York State led to laws enacted in 1875 that required counties to send children to orphanages. In Genesee County, these children were sent to the Ontario Orphan Asylum.

Description of Record Series:

The collection includes contracts stating the terms of indenture, noting the children's names, ages, and sex, as well as who took them and the town where they were to live.

Purpose of Record:

These records document the placement of children with families in various towns within the county and neighboring counties. 

Finding Aids:

Related Files

Genesee County Home / Almhouse Records(PDF, 25KB)