Genealogy Files and Collections

Collection Location in the CountyArchives

*Includes individuals and information regarding one family per collection.
(Detailed inventories on the various collections are available.)

Batavia Families
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 14
Collection Location: 4C.5B
Collection Volume: .25 Cubic Feet
Date Range: 1817-1859
Contains: Family History, will, deeds, photographs and Accounts for the Free Will Baptist Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the State of New York ca. 1853

Pioneer Farm Family - Pavilion
Collection ID:  Manuscript Box 11
Collection Location: 5A.1.2
Collection Volume: .5 Cubic Foot
Date Range: 1774 – 1981
Contains: Correspondence, property, military and financial records, genealogy references, writing and certificates.

 (b.1787 - d.1869)
 Batavia’s second merchant, founder of the Bank of Genesee, Postmaster, Adjutant - War of 1812, Assembly (1827) and State Senator.
Collection ID:  Manuscript Box 3
Collection Location: 5C.2.A
Collection Volume: .5 Cubic Foot
Date Range: 1819 - 1845
Contains: Correspondence regarding his mercantile activities, personal letters and negotiations for the purchase of land from the Holland Land Company.

Local author of Lincoln’s Fifteen Lost Hours which is a story that President Lincoln slept in her family home - Alexander
Collection ID:  Manuscript Box 6
Collection Location: 5A.6
Collection Volume: 1 Cubic Foot
Date Range: 1861 - 1972 (Book copyright date 1976)
Contains: Photographs, genealogy references, book manuscript, poems and short stories, correspondence and newspaper clippings.

Heresy Trail of the Reverend Algernon Sidney Crapsey - A Presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, in the Diocese of Western New York [Rochester] Trial held in Batavia
Collection ID:  Manuscript Box 13
Collection Location: 5C.5
Collection Volume: .5 Cubic Foot
Date Range: 1906 – April
Contains: Outline [possibly collected and used for creating a presentation or publication idea]; notebook collection tab headers: “The Man”, Preliminary Investigation, Charge/Answer, Characters, Trial – Days 1 and 2, Trial – Days 3 and 4, Verdict / Appeal,
Renounces / Disposed, Aftermath / Miscellaneous, Printed Trail Reviews, Newspaper Clippings Collection

Promising piano student who obtained a brief concert career - Batavia
Collection ID:  Manuscript Box 2A and 2B
Collection Location: 5A.1 and 5A.2
Collection Volume: 2 Cubic Feet
Date Range: 1866 - 1961
Contains: Correspondence, legal papers, newspaper clippings, and images

Collection ID:  12.01(See card catalog for listing)
Collection Location: 29A.1, 29A.2, 29A.3, 29B.1.1, 29B.1.2, 29B.2 and 30C.2.3
Collection Volume: 4 Cubic Feet
Date Range: 1800's - 1900's
Contains: Assorted diaries from local residents about their lives. Some are Indexed

Advocate for Native American rights.
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 8
Collection Location: 5B.4.1
Collection Volume: .25 Cubic Foot
Date Range: 1956
Contains: Scrapbook of newspaper articles regarding Native Americans, correspondence and lecture notes. “Unselfish Service “ Award

Free lance shorthand reporter who worked in the courts and recorded speeches (Buffalo area), wrote political articles and spoke on local radio programs, also short stories.  (Parents: Father - Robinson Wells Knowles Civil War Veteran - d. 1/1/1912, Mother Elizabeth A. - d. 10/1918 in Buffalo) [Note: Does not appear to this time to have a Genesee County connection.]
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 4A and 4B
Collection Location: 5A.3 and 5A.4
Collection Volume: 1.5 Cubic Feet
Date Range: 1890-1945
Contains: correspondence, newspaper clippings, poems, short stories, genealogy, plays and Mother’s history contained within two volumes titled Simple Life.

(b. 1857-d.1929)
 Born in LeRoy (Parents John and Sarah Ann Randall Prentice) Taught school in Churchville, Byron, Elba, Stafford and Batavia, was elected Genesee County School Commissioner (1881), received a law degree from Yale (1888) and established a practice in Batavia, married Helen Louise McHardy (1893).
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 7
Collection Location: 5B.1
Collection Volume: 1 Cubic Foot
Date Range: 1885-1920
Contains: Cash accounts (1885), diaries (1885-1888) and correspondence.

Hon. Heman J. Redfield (b. 1788-d.1877)
War of 1812 Veteran, State Senator (1823-25), Post-Master (LeRoy), lawyer (William Morgan Affair), land agent, farm estate - Batavia
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 10A-D
Collection Location: 5B.3, 5B.5, 5B.6 and 5C.1
Collection Volume: 3.5 Cubic Feet
Date Range: 1812-1907
Contains: Accounts, diaries, journals, correspondence, legal papers, farm records, certificates and War of 1812 military records.

General Emory Upton (b. 1839-d.1881)
Military tactician, army officer during the Civil War, author of Military Policy of the United States, (Father- Daniel - farmer) - Batavia
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 5
Collection Location: 5A.5
Collection Volume: 1 Cubic Feet
Date Range: 1819-1907
Contains: Collection of published books on the Upton family, military reference, calling card collection, scrapbook of newspaper articles and hand-written notes.                   

Collection ID: Manuscript Box 4B
Collection Location: 5A.4
Collection Volume:  .5 Cubic Foot
Date Range: 1830-1935
Contains: Graney, Charles M.  (Local Doctor) - Practices of Medicine and Surgery no date, Lane, Mary E. Events in her life and poetry (1867 and 1911), Morgan, James - Detective Story (no date), Patterson, Anna - Events in her life (1860-1891). Also unknown (unsigned) authors on topics of: poetry, daily chores (1890), ancient history, travel log (1935) and short stories (1830-1906).

(b. 1909-d.1966)
Received his legal training at the University of Buffalo Law School, was the District Attorney (1937), City Court (1939) [First Democrat Judge in 25 years], County Judge (1948).
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 12A and 12B
Collection Location: 5C.3.B and 29C.4
Collection Volume:  1.5 Cubic Feet
Date Range: 1930-1966
Contains: Election memorabilia, correspondence, speeches, photographs, judicial robe and awards.

Practicing Physician, graduate from the University of Buffalo Medical School - LeRoy
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 9
Collection Location: 5B.2
Collection Volume:  1 Cubic Foot
Date Range: 1872-1939
Contains: Correspondence, Ingham University Certificates, photographs, ledgers and financial records.

Local author who gained prominence in her writing dealing with the early history of Batavia and Western New York.
Collection ID: Manuscript Box 8
Collection Location: 5B.4.1
Collection Volume:  .25 Cubic Feet
Date Range: 1936 (copy-right date of book)

Contains: Handwritten manuscript -JosephEllicott’s Life and the Early Days of theHolland Purchase, plus typed copies of chapters 5-15 and “The Boundaries” - geography of New York.