Vendor Resources

How To Do Business With Genesee County

At Genesee County Purchasing, we are dedicated to maintaining high standards of ethics and transparency in all our procurement processes. We strive to foster mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers while ensuring the best value for our taxpayers.

What we purchase:

Genesee County purchases a wide range of goods and services to support different departments serving our community. From infrastructure projects to essential services, we are constantly seeking suppliers to meet our diverse needs.

Procurement Processes:

  • Informal Bidding:

    • Informal bids are used for goods and services with a projected cost of under $20,000 and Public Works projects under $35,000.

    • Whenever possible there should be at least three verbal, written, or electronic quotes solicited from qualified vendors. Vendors should take particular care when quoting prices to assure accuracy.

    • Telephone quotes should be provided the same day as requested, and followed by a hard copy either by letter or email.

  • Competitive Sealed Bids:

    • Competitive Sealed Bids are used for goods and services with a projected cost of over $20,000 and Public Works over $35,000. Whether a one time purchase, a contract, or a blanket purchase, this process is adhered to.

    • Legal notices are published in the local newspaper (The Batavia Daily News) informing the public of the products or services being bid.

    • Genesee County officially distributes bids, RFP's and Quotes through the Empire State Purchasing System.  Copies of solicitations obtained from any other source are not considered official copies.  Only those vendors who obtain solicitation documents from the Empire State Purchasing System are guaranteed to receive addenda.

    • Bid packages are prepared with detailed specifications and conditions including items bid, units and total quantity desired, instructions for bidding, delivery information, special requirements for bidding and assigned date for the advertising, date and time of last bid accepted and bid opening.

    • All bid packages and RFP's are available on  You must register as a member, but there is a free membership option.

    • Bids arriving after the bid opening date/time shall be rejected.

    • Bids must be submitted on the forms provided exactly as instructed in the bid package. Completion of the forms constitutes the most convenient method for both the County and the vendor. Fill in the proper spaces by using a typewriter, printing or writing legibly signing forms in blue ink. All illegible or vague bids will be rejected.

    • Sealed bids are publicly opened and read at the time and place listed in the bid documents and legal notices. The Purchasing Director or a designate will preside over the bid opening. Vendors and the public are invited to attend the formal opening of bids but it is not required to. No decisions related to award of a contract will be determined at the opening.

  • Competitive Sealed Proposal [RFP]

    • A Request for Proposal [RFP] is used for those purchases that are exempt from the Competitive Bidding process. The competitive sealed proposal may be used if the County determines the use of competitive sealed bidding is ether not practicable or not advantageous to the County.

    • As provided for in the Request for Proposal, discussions may be conducted with responsible offerors who submit proposals determined by the County to be reasonably susceptible of being selected.

    • Discussions are conducted for the purpose of clarification to insure full understanding of, and responsiveness to, the solicitation requirements. In conducting pre-award discussions, there shall be no disclosure of any information derived from proposals submitted by competing offerors. The County Attorney will review all contracts to be executed with the firm selected.

  • Bid Prices Submitted

    • All bid prices submitted shall be exclusive of Federal and State Taxes and must not include any tax for which the bidder may claim exemption because of doing business with the County. Genesee County is exempt from any Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax.

    • All bid prices submitted shall include all shipping and delivery charges to the address in the specifications. Any variations from this requirement must be clearly described in the bidder's written response.

    • Double check all unit prices, price extensions, and totals making sure they are correct. We cannot guess what you want the unit price, price extension and totals to read. The bid will be accepted as written.

    • Bids/RFP submission shall be in a sealed envelope. The outside of the envelop shall be clearly marked:

      • The Bid/RFP title [Commodity]

      • The Bid/RFP number [Bid #2012-01]

      • Bid/RFP opening date

    • Take all steps to insure your Bid/RFP arrives before the opening deadline. All late bids will be disqualified.

    • If possible, plan on attending the formal bid opening at the location specified in the legal ad. Attendance at the formal bid opening is optional but being at the opening will allow you to learn about your competitors bid. There is no formal public opening for RFP submissions.

  • Award

    • Awards are based on the lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting the County specifications. The County reserves the right to reject any and all bids when rejection is in the best interest of the County.

    • After the Bid/RFP opening, the documents are sent to the requesting department for review and evaluation. The requesting department will make a formal recommendation to the Purchasing Department. If the recommendation is approved by Purchasing, the requesting department will schedule the Bid/RFP through the formal Legislative review process.

    • The successful bidder/proposal will be notified of the award after review and approval by Resolution of the Genesee County Legislature.

  • Contracts

    • All contracts shall be governed by the Laws of New York State.  The Genesee County Attorney will review all contracts.

  • Invoice and Payment

    • County of Genesee Purchase Order Number if one is issued or the Bid/RFP Number from the awarded proposal.

    • Complete description of goods and services rendered

    • Quantity shipped, date, and carrier.

    • Unit prices and extensions if applicable

    • The term of payment.

    • Vendor's invoice number and date

Genesee County performs an audit function twice a month, except during July, August and December when the audit is processed once a month. Payment is made through the County Treasurer's Office the Friday following the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, except during the months of July, August and December.


For more information, please contact us or visit for bid opportunities and updates.